Getting the DNN Telerik Editor working in UK English

It seems there is a problem with non en-US installation of the Telerik RadEditor on DNN.

There is a problem that has been lodged but an official fix is not yet out I shall explain how I managed to get it working for my cusotmers DNN5.4.2 UK English website:

  • Login to the back end server
  • Navigate to ~ProvidersHtmlEditorProvidersTelerikApp_LocalResources
  • Take a copy of all the .resx file in this directory
  • Rename all the “Copy of XYZ.resx” files to be “XYZ.en-gb.resx”
  • Navigate to ~ProvidersHtmlEditorProvidersTelerikDialogsApp_LocalResources
  • Take a copy of “SaveTemplate.resx” and rename it to SaveTemplate.resx”
  • Restart the site from the Host menu

Now to fix the problems with the Telerik file manager….