Google Caff Vs DeCaff comparison

The new Google Caffine engine may well spell changes for SEO and website design work as the new search algorithms take more note of social networking and videos than just plain ol’ text and images. This shakeup could spell intresting times for those people who are in the market of online marketing. The test site is up but you can checkout a side-by-side comparison here. More info on Matt Cutts blog and on the Google Webmaster blog. CMS web specailists like us will have to supply the easy to use tools that will allow the customers to keep ahead of the competion by uploading vids, demos, and getting those followers and retweets.

Testing new SEO friendly blog

Just testing out a new more SEO friendly blog that should push our website design and system development news out to twitter and facebook in a more automated and managed way.

The social media portals are becoming more and more important as time goes on as you customers and friends don’t have to mess around with RSS or visiting your site, it arrives at thier social hub. The blistering growth of twitter and the fact that facebook is the most viewed site in the UK make these tools very useful for small businesses.

Breeze Websites – What we’ve done so far

Breeze is a Content Management Web site tool we’ve developed to produce quality websites for people very quickly which can then be easily maintained by the prospected client. These web sites can be tuned to any particular requirement and can be designed to suit the customer’s company and logos.

We’ve have had a number of successes with the Breeze web site tool and have produced a number of varied sites for customers ranging from a football club to an Adventure sports leisure company. These websites can be as simple or complex as the client needs.
Our first success was with producing a website for Curley Park Rangers Football club, a local Hampshire club for kids. This was a fairly complex site which enabled editors to create team profiles, add match reports and advertise matches and events whenever they want. The secretary of the site was extremely pleased with the site and is happy updating the content as and when it suits him.
Following the success of the Curley Park Rangers site, we then went on to produce sites for Nutritional Therapy advice, a pub, restaurant, landscape design and a specialist in making wedding and celebration cakes.
Our latest venture was to produce a site for RockReef a company advertising a unique adventure sports (indoor and outdoor) facility. This provides opportunities for people to try outdoor sports such as climbing, abseiling, caving within indoor environments. We designed a number of logo proofs for the Company to choose from and then developed the site with some exiting flash images of these sports.
Breeze enables customers to see very early sights of there ideas and enables them to quickly add content themselves in an easy editing tool.
Breeze also has a secure and safe back up facility where all the sites as backed up daily and can easily and quickly be restored if the need arises or a customer has made any serious mistakes whilst updating their sites.
Some of the sites mentioned above and designed by us are as follows:-
All the features of Breeze can found on

Grants for CMS Website Design and Hosting

Depending on your location & circumstances you may be able to get a grant that could cover the cost of your Breeze CMS website.
Contact your local authority or look at their website and find out what financial or other support they offer small and medium business in your area.
At a more central government level the business link website businesslink may also offer valuable insights. You also may want to contact your local Business Link for help and advice in the area of grants.
If you are in the voluntary and community sectors Government funding is a central portal for access to grants from the following funders:
  • Local Authorities
  • Regional Government
  • Central Government
  • Independent Grant Administrators
  • European Sources
Even without a grant we think Breeze offers the small to medium enterprise an excellent value for money website package that can grow with your company.

BeInspired – Excellent Basingstoke and North Hampshire Event for business

BeInspired09 – Well done Business Link!

I thoroughly enjoyed it and not just for the free gifts that were lavished out. This was excellent for local small Business and I hope it becomes a regular occurrence.

The Microsoft talk was mired in technical mishaps but the gist of web/mail/hosting/SaaS convergence was well understood and was on the money.

You could see where the the path was leading. The “traditional” marketeers looked a bit sorry for themselves whereas the web design company talk on SEO was playing to a packed house. Everyone was feverishly scribbling down everything that was said.

I really must finish the SEO and SEM marketing guide that I have been putting together as people obviously love plain English guides to optimising thier website for organic rankings. I guess in these tight times people are less willing to finance Pay Per Click (PPC) ads!